Bitters ME, Meyers J, Resasco J, Sarre SD, Tuff KT, Davies KF (2022). Experimental habitat fragmentation disrupts host–parasite interaction over decades via life-cycle bottlenecks. Ecology 103: e3758.
Bitters ME, Hicks A, Holtz S, Acruri P, Wilson R, Resasco J, Davies KF (2022). The dynamic matrix predicts population response to long-term experimental forest fragmentation. Landscape Ecology 37: 1483-1495.
Tuff KT, Glidden CK, Melbourne BA, Meyers JA, Nix HA, Sarre SD, Davies KF (2019). Shrinking skinks: lizard body size declines in a long-term forest fragmentation experiment. Landscape Ecology 34: 1395-1409.
Resasco J, Bitters ME, Cunningham SA, Jones HI, McKenzie VJ, Davies KF (2019). Experimental habitat fragmentation disrupts nematode infections in Australian skinks. Ecology 100: e02547.
Resasco J, Tuff KT, Cunningham SA, Melbourne BA, Hicks AL, Newsome SD, Davies KF (2018). Generalist predator's niche shifts reveal ecosystem changes in an experimentally fragmented landscape. Ecography 41: 1209-1219.
King AJ, Melbourne BA, Davies KF, Nicholls AO, Austin MP, Tuff KT, Evans MJ, Hardy CM, Cunningham SA (2018). Spatial and temporal variability of fragmentation effects in a long term, eucalypt forest fragmentation experiment. Landscape Ecology 33: 609-623.
Evans MJ, Banks SC, Barton PS, Davies KF, Driscoll DA (2018). A long‐term habitat fragmentation experiment leads to morphological change in a species of carabid beetle. Ecological Entomology 43: 282-293.
Weiss-Lehman C, Davies KF, Clements C, Melbourne BA (2017). Estimating extinction risk with minimal data. Biological Conservation 213: 194-202.
Evans MJ, Banks SC, Driscoll DA, Hicks AJ, Melbourne BA, Davies KF (2017). Short- and long-term effects of habitat fragmentation differ but are predicted by response to the matrix. Ecology 98: 807-819.
Collins CD, Banks-Leite C, Brudvig LA, Foster BL, Cook WM, Damschen EI, Andrade A, Austin M, Camargo JL, Driscoll DA, Holt RD, Laurance WF, Nicholls AO, Orrock JL (2017). Fragmentation affects plant community composition over time. Ecography 40: 119-130.
Brudvig LA, Leroux SJ, Albert CH, Bruna EM, Davies KF, Ewers RM, Levey DJ, Pardini R, Resasco J (2017). Evaluating conceptual models of landscape change. Ecography 40: 74-84.
Tuff K, Tuff T, Davies K (2016). A framework for integrating thermal biology into fragmentation research. Ecology letters 19: 361-374.
Tucker CM, Shoemaker LG, Davies KF, Nemergut DR, Melbourne BA (2016). Differentiating between niche and neutral assembly in metacommunities using null models of β-diversity. Oikos 125: 778-789.
McClenahan JL, Melbourne BA, Cunningham SA, Davies KF (2016). Differential and delayed response of two ant species to habitat fragmentation via the introduction of a pine matrix. Ecological Entomology 41: 554-561.
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Recent Theses
Spiers AI (2023). Enhancing ecological inference about forest species with remote sensing and statistical advances. PhD Thesis. University of Colorado, Boulder, USA.
Bitters ME (2023). Quantifying and understanding the distribution and responses of host-parasite and predator communities in response to large-scale, long-term habitat fragmentation. PhD Thesis. University of Colorado, Boulder, USA.
Perryman H (2023). The effects of habitat fragmentation and wildfire on the presence of two ant species, Aphaenogaster longiceps and Leptomyrmex erythrocephalus. Honors Thesis. University of Colorado, Boulder, USA.
Metelman-Alvis W (2022). Impact of experimental forest fragmentationand fire on the funnel-web spider, Atrax sutherlandi. Honors Thesis. University of Colorado, Boulder, USA.
Perryman N (2019). Experimental habitat fragmentation reveals a shift in the isotopic niche of the forest wood scorpion, Cercophonius squama. Honors Thesis. University of Colorado, Boulder, USA.
Rigden R (2018). The Effects of Experimental Habitat Fragmentation on the Generalist Predator, the Funnel-web Spider, Atrax sutherlandi. Honors Thesis. University of Colorado.