Wog Wog Experiment

Meet the PI

Dr. Kendi Davies

Forest fragmentation is a major driver of biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation globally, and we know that it interacts with climate change in significant ways. I am an Associate Professor in Ecology at the University of Colorado-Boulder, and NSF CAREER awardee, working to build knowledge about the combined impacts of climate change and forest fragmentation. Mentoring and teaching are big priorities, and my philosophy is to create space in science for well-rounded ecologists who feel supported and challenged.

Collaborators and Mentees


Join the lab

Are you curious, adventurous, and interested in forest ecology?

Check out the opportunities to work in our lab below:

Prospective PhD Students

Our lab is currently full, but keep an eye out for future opportunities. Openings will be posted on the Latest News page.

Prospective Postdocs

I encourage individuals who are interested in pursuing funding to email me to discuss research ideas.
